Developing Effective Interpersonal & Communication Skills

Learn The Skills Of How To Be A More Culturally Aware 'People Person'

Developing Effective Interpersonal & Communication Skills

2 day(s)

AED 4,600.00


Who Should Attend?

This course is for those people who want to understand how to communicate effectively with their customers, their staff, their colleagues, and their managers.

About The Program

Surveys conducted both overseas, and in the Gulf region, have shown that managers spend on average about 75% of their time in one-to-one verbal communication, i.e. face-to-face, or on the telephone. Therefore, effective interpersonal skills are essential tools for today’s modern manager. In the multicultural work environments of the Gulf region, good interpersonal skills and cultural sensitivity are essential elements for successful managers, and highly productive employees. It is only now that many organizations are realising that ‘people are their greatest asset’. Being able to deal effectively with people from different cultures and backgrounds, is vital for success in today’s competitive global business environment.

Course Objectives

  • To set clear guidelines for effective communication
  • To consider the role of good interpersonal skills in the multicultural workplace of the Gulf region
  • To understand different behavioural styles and learn to modify your behaviour to achieve best results
  • To understand how to stay present ‘in the moment’, ‘listen for intent’, and influence your listener positively
  • To understand how to communicate effectively when the stakes are high, and you need to neutralise
  • arguments effectively
  • To understand how to give and receive constructive feedback as a way to build better relationships
  • To demonstrate assertive behaviour
  • To make use of all of the above skills to ensure effective teamwork
  • To create individual action plans for ongoing personal development

What You Will Gain

  • Increased self-awareness of different behavioural styles
  • An understanding of how to adapt your style to interact effectively with others
  • An understanding of communication errors and how to prevent them
  • The ability to develop positive interpersonal relationships through effective communication techniques

Program Content


  • What Is Effective Communication?
  • Factors Affecting Communication
    > How A Message Flows
    > Barriers To Communication And How To Overcome Them
  • The Dynamics Of Face-To-Face Communication
    > Body Language – ‘The Hidden Communicator’
    > Tone Of Voice
    > The Power Of Language In Communication
  • Ensuring Effective Two-Way Communication
    > Developing Good Listening Skills
    > Asking The Right Questions
    > Transmitting Your Message Accurately
  • The Effectiveness Of Good Written Communication


  • Understanding Different Perspectives And Viewpoints
  • Communication Styles And The Appropriate Use Of Them
    > The Differences Between Aggressive, Assertive, And Passive Behaviour
    > Assertiveness Techniques
  • Behaviour Style Analysis – Amiable, Expressive, Analyst, Driver
    > Knowing Your Style
    > Understanding Others’ Styles
    > Adapting Styles To Interact Better With Others
  • Building The Best Relationships By Making Use Of Powerful Communication Techniques
  • The Johari Window
    > Know Yourself
    > Know How To Build Relationships With Others
    > How To Use Feedback Techniques To Develop Better Relationships
  • The Use Of Emotions As A Source Of Valuable Information
  • Giving And Receiving Feedback
  • Assessing Your Own Performance Through Feedback And Reflection

Before the course
 each delegate will be asked to complete a Pre-Course Briefing Form to determine their individual objectives for attending the course. These objectives will be used by the Tutor to give on-target training that is focused on the individual delegates.

At the end of the course each delegate will be asked to complete a Personal Development Plan that can be used as part of future appraisals, and that will also be an important tool for management reference.

End of course ILM Assessment: Each delegate will be required to do a written one-hour Assessment at the end of the course. Delegates must get a 50% pass mark to receive an ILM Certificate.

Total Investment: AED 4,600/- + VAT, which includes – ILM Registration, Training Materials, Lunch and Refreshments. Discount available for multiple bookings.

From: 5th August 2024

To: 6th August 2024

Duration: 2 day(s)

Location: Abu Dhabi

From: 9th September 2024

To: 10th September 2024

Duration: 2 day(s)

Location: Dubai

From: 4th November 2024

To: 5th November 2024

Duration: 2 day(s)

Location: Dubai

From: 9th December 2024

To: 10th December 2024

Duration: 2 day(s)

Location: Abu Dhabi

Developing Effective Interpersonal & Communication Skills

2 day(s)

AED 4,600.00