Who Should Attend?
The highly enjoyable ‘experiential’ negotiation skills online program covers persuasive negotiation strategies designed for negotiators at all levels – account managers, salespeople, managers, and other personnel who need to improve their negotiation skills by understanding the fundamental principles for negotiation success.
About The Program
This program will explore key attributes of a successful negotiator and the benefits of having good negotiation skills. It approaches the skills, techniques, strategies, and philosophy of negotiation in such a way, that each delegate will not only understand the theory, but also have the opportunity to use the theory in highly interactive, practical role-play situations. This will enable each delegate to successfully negotiate at all levels in the business environment. By focusing on the ‘value of the deal’, and examining the different variables, their value and how to trade, you will be able to ensure greater success and longer lasting relationships from your future negotiations.
During this three-day negotiation skills online course, the delegates are encouraged to examine their preferred negotiating style (or styles), understand and appreciate other styles that may be useful during negotiation. They also need to identify the style of those with whom they are negotiating. Delegates will participate in several ‘experiential’ negotiation role-play exercises and thereafter, they will receive feedback from both the delegates they have negotiated with, and the Trainer. This feedback will help the delegates to significantly improve their overall negotiation skills over the three days of the course.
Course Objectives
- To provide each delegate with the knowledge and confidence to conduct successful negotiations with skilled buyers and negotiators, without making excessive concessions
- To allow delegates to improve their negotiation skills through a series of enjoyable and highly participative exercises
- To gain a clear understanding of the concept of ‘variables’, and how they can be traded to create value in a negotiation
- To provide delegates with a clear understanding of the techniques and interpersonal skills required to be an effective negotiator
- To focus on weaknesses identified by delegates in their present knowledge of negotiating skills, and address these problems in a constructive and positive manner
What You Will Gain
- A better overall understanding of negotiation, the techniques and interpersonal skills required to be successful in negotiating
- Knowledge of crucial negotiation tools and strategies
- Recognize the importance of preparing for the negotiation process, regardless of the circumstances.
- The opportunity to practise these tools in realistic negotiation exercises, which will help you to fully understand your strengths and weaknesses as a negotiator
- A development plan – which identifies clear objectives to help you improve your negotiation outcomes and get better deals!
Program Content
- What Is ‘Negotiation’?
- The Five Outcomes Of A Negotiation
- What Are The Skills And Qualities Needed To Be An Effective Negotiator?
- Identifying Your Current Strengths And Weaknesses As A Negotiator
- Rights, Power, And Interest In Your Negotiations
- The Importance Of Planning, Planning, Planning!
- Practical Use Of A Planning Matrix For Every Negotiation
- The Importance Of The BATNA (Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement)
- The ZOPA (Zone Of Potential Agreement)
- What Constitutes A ‘Win’ In Negotiation?
- Setting Clear Objectives For A Negotiation
- Negotiating Styles
- Your Style In Conflict Situations
- Introduction To Variables – Why They Are So Important
- Negotiation Exercise: Identify The Key Variables
- Variables In Your Own Negotiations
- The Give:Get Principle
- ‘Compete’ Or ‘Collaborate’
- Win:Win Negotiation – The Three Key Rules
- Negotiation Exercise: Identify The Key Variables
- Variables In Your Own Negotiations
- Practical Use Of A Planning Matrix For Every Negotiation
- The Importance Of Planning, Planning, Planning!
- The Give:Get Principle
- ‘Compete’ Or ‘Collaborate’
- Win:Win Negotiation – The Three Key Rules
- The Importance Of Communication In Negotiation
- Understanding Non-Verbal Communication
- Effective Questioning Techniques
- Listening Skills In Negotiation
- Dirty Tricks And How To Handle Them
- Deadlock And How To Overcome It
- Dealing With Difficult People – Including ‘Low Reactors’
- Preparation Guidelines
- The Climate For Negotiations
- Opening The Negotiation
- The Importance Of Adopting The Right Attitude
- Some Common Negotiation Mistakes And Pitfalls
- Some Tactics Of Top Negotiators
- Key Points And Negotiation Techniques
- Taking Away All The Important Learning Points From The Programme
Please contact us for specific details on the courses we are running. Our Business Development Team will be happy to provide you with further details.
Before the course, each delegate will be asked to complete a Pre-Course Briefing Form to determine their individual objectives for attending the course. These objectives will be used by the Tutor to give on-target training that is focused on the individual delegates.
At the end of the course, each delegate will be asked to complete a Personal Development Plan that can be used as part of future appraisals, and that will also be an important tool for management reference.
Total ONLINE Investment: AED 4,350/- + VAT