Supervisory Management Skills – Online Training Program

Discover Your Leadership Style, Develop An Authentic Leadership Approach, And Steer Your Team Towards Enhanced Productivity

Supervisory Management Skills – Online Training Program

3 day(s)

AED 4,850.00


Who Should Attend?

Those new to supervisory positions, or those who have received no formal training in Supervisory Management Skills. It is also beneficial for individuals who are interested in a supervisory position, as well as those who are team leads or part-time supervisors without a great deal of authority.

About The Program

This Supervisory Management training course is designed to help leaders effectively develop their management skills. The course defines the role of a supervisor and covers the key challenges a supervisor will face in the workplace.  With discussions covering a range of leadership topics, clear guidelines, practical exercises and case studies, the delegates will develop the essential skills and techniques required in their everyday work environment.

Course Objectives

  • To set out clear guidelines for effective supervisory management
  • To enable participants to professionally supervise their staff, by understanding the key principles of leadership and motivation
  • To understand the principles of ‘effective communication’, and how to use good communication skills to ensure things get done properly, and on time
  • To enable delegates to understand the value of delegation and planning, so they are more effective and efficient in their supervisory role
  • To give delegates greater self-awareness to enable them to improve their relationship with those who manage them, and with those they supervise

What You Will Gain

  • A comprehensive knowledge of the skills and techniques required to be an effective supervisor
  • A greater awareness of yourself as a supervisor and the ways to get maximum performance from your staff / team

Program Content


  • Defining Supervisory Management
    • The Roles And Responsibilities Of A Supervisor
    • The Difficulties Experienced By A Supervisor
    • The Key Competencies Needed By Supervisors
  • Leadership
    • Definition Of Leadership And The Qualities Required To Lead People
    • Different Leadership Roles
    • Your Preferred Personal Leadership Style – An Assessment
    • Leadership Styles – Which Is Appropriate?
  • Motivation
    • How People Are Motivated
    • The Role Of The Supervisor In Motivating Others
    • Guidelines On Motivating People


  • Planning And Goal Setting
    • Steps To Effective Planning
    • Guidelines For Setting SMART(ER) Objectives
  • Time Management
    • Identifying Time-Wasters
    • Being An Effective Time Manager
    • Choosing The Right Time To Do The Right Work
    • Using The ‘Prime Time’ Principle
  • Effective Delegation
    • The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Delegation
    • Reasons Why Supervisors May Not Delegate
    • When To Delegate
    • To Whom To Delegate
    • How To Delegate
    • Using Delegation To Develop Your Team


  • Communication
    • How Do We Communicate?
    • Barriers To Communication At Work
    • Communicating Effectively
    • Body Language – The Impact Of Non-Verbal Communication
    • Being An Active Listener
  • Using Relevant Questions – How To Ask Questions That Get The Answers You Really Need
  • Corporate Communication
  • Behavioral Styles
    • Understanding Different Behavioral Styles
    • Taking The Right Attitude
    • The Benefits Of Being Assertive
    • Key Steps To Being Assertive
  • Reviewing Performance
    • Giving Constructive Feedback
    • Feedback Principles
    • Performance Appraisals
    • Coaching Vs Counseling
  • Taking It Forward – Applying All The New Skills Back In The Workplace

Please contact us for specific details on the courses we are running. Our Business Development Team will be happy to provide you with further details.

Before the course, each delegate will be asked to complete a Pre-Course Briefing Form to determine their individual objectives for attending the course. These objectives will be used by the Tutor to give on-target training that is focused on the individual delegates.

At the end of the course, each delegate will be asked to complete a Personal Development Plan that can be used as part of future appraisals, and that will also be an important tool for management reference.

For ILM programs, each delegate will be required to do a written one-hour assessment, upon course completion. To schedule your assessment dates, please coordinate with your client relations executive.

Total ONLINE Investment: AED 4,850/- + VAT, includes ILM Registration

From: 7th October 2024

To: 9th October 2024

Duration: 3 day(s)

Location: Online

From: 9th December 2024

To: 11th December 2024

Duration: 3 day(s)

Location: Online

Supervisory Management Skills – Online Training Program

3 day(s)

AED 4,850.00